During the year the Trust continued to focus on sustainability endeavours that have
a meaningful impact, specifically in relation to the energy efficiency of our properties,
and the replacement of ozone depleting air conditioning units in our older properties.
As at 30 June 2016, 63 per cent of the Trust owned Bunnings stores had LED lighting in at least one or more
of the car park, nursery trading area, canopy trading area, or in the main store.
93 per cent of the Trust owned Bunnings stores have in place water tanks for the re-cycling of roof collected
rain water.
Our sustainability principles, progress and priorities
The Trust is committed to acting responsibly and ethically, and
operating its business in a manner that is sustainable. Principles
based on the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment,
have been developed for incorporating environmental, social and
governance (“ESG”) issues into how the Trust conducts its business,
and are embedded in policies, practices and processes.
The Trust’s approach takes into account the size and nature of the
Trust’s operations and the relatively modest actual or potential
impacts on the environment and society.
Environmentally, the Trust’s ownership and management of
established commercial property is considered to be low in intensity
in terms of emissions, waste, and use of energy and materials, and
low impact on biodiversity.
Social and governance impacts are limited due to the passive nature
and localised scope of the Trust’s operations and the regulated
environment in which it operates.
ESG in investment
analysis and
>> All investment proposals put to the board during the year
expressly considered ESG issues.
>> Continue to refine and develop ESG
assessment criteria for investment analysis
and decision making.
ESG in asset
ownership and
resource use
>> A further 19 air conditioning units were replaced to phase
out ozone depleting refrigerant models. We have also
retrofitted new non ozone depleting refrigerant into three
larger air conditioning systems within the property portfolio.
>> Inefficient lights were removed and new energy efficient LED
lights were installed internally into four stores as well as the
car-parks at three additional properties within our portfolio.
>> Solar power generation was installed at two properties.
>> Continue programme for phasing out ozone
depleting air conditioning.
>> Continue to work with our major customers
to roll back energy efficient LED lighting into
existing properties, as and when appropriate,
and also to install roof based solar panels on
buildings where the energy saving benefits
are significant.
and supplier
>> Continued dialogue with Bunnings regarding its
sustainability initiatives, particularly in relation to reducing
energy consumption through the upgrade of lighting in
existing stores to energy efficient LED technology.
>> Continue to engage with the Trust’s customers
for a co-operative approach to sustainability
initiatives, particularly in relation to LED
lighting, and solar energy capture.
ESG reporting
>> Responded to the 2016 Carbon Disclosure Project survey.
>> Continue to evolve ESG disclosure in line with
market expectations
Build knowledge
and understanding
>> Ongoing education of the management team in property
related sustainability matters.
>> Focus on the energy efficiency aspects of LED
lighting and solar roof panel technology.
Further detail on the Trust’s approach to sustainability is available in the Sustainability section, under the About Us tab, of the Trust’s website.
Business Review
BWP Trust Annual Report 2016