

BWP is committed to the health and safety of its team members, contractors and visitors; to acting ethically; and sustainably operating its businesses with respect to the environment. 

How this achieved is summarised in Our Sustainability Principles.


BWP’s approach considers the size and nature of its operations and its relatively modest potential impacts on the environment and society. The Group’s ownership and management of established commercial property is considered low in intensity in terms of emissions, waste, energy use, and materials. Social
and governance impacts are limited due to the passive nature and localised scope of the Group’s operations and the regulated environment in which it operates

BWP continues to focus on improving the energy efficiency of its properties, replacing ozone-depleting air conditioning units in some of the older properties, improving data quality, understanding its value
chain and assessing opportunities to support tenants to reduce their emissions intensity where it makes sense to do so.


Properties, all in Australia


Total land area


Portfolio value

  • No Scope 1 emissions are produced as the Trust’s business activities do not directly release emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Taking into account green electricity usage and Australian Carbon Credit Units (“ACCUs”) surrendered during the period, the Trust’s net Scope 2 emissions position for the year ended 30 June 2024 was zero tonnes CO2e
  • 396 tonnes of CO2e generated for the year ended 30 June 2024 of which 335 tonnes are attributable to the 12 month contribution from acquisitions completed in the year, but have only been within the Group’s control for part of the reporting year. When adjusted for the acquisition of properties and construction activity at one property, the Scope 2 emissions of the Group increased 7.1 per cent from 2023. This increase can be attributed to changes in the lighting practices at some properties, where adjustments were required to meet the changing safety requirements of tenants, and lighting practices at vacant properties.

    The Group surrendered 450 ACCUs to offset the 396 tonnes of CO2e.

1,254 mWh produced
  • In addition to the net-zero Scope 2 emissions position recorded for the year, solar production for the year ended 30 June 2024 was 1,254 mWh (30 June 2023: 693.7 mWh). The solar power produced is used by the Group’s tenants in common
    areas where the Group has some operational control, or fed back into the grid for use by other network customers.
  • This solar power generation enabled the Group to avoid 794 tonnes of CO2e compared to 390 tonnes of CO2e in the prior corresponding period
  • Solar power generation is installed at 41 properties owned by the Trust.
  • A Tesla battery is installed at one property and collects surplus energy from the solar installation at the property
  • 78 per cent of properties have water tanks in place for the recycling of roof-collected rainwater. The decrease from the prior year is attributed to newly acquired properties where water tanks are not installed, or where the presence of a water tank has not yet been confirmed.
33%/ 67%
  • The current gender make-up of the team is 36 per cent female and 64 per cent male
0 injuries or deaths
  • Our safety performance record
1 The Group reports Greenhouse Gas ("GHG") emissions, in accordance with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)'s GHG Protocol and National Greenhouse and National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008.